Kool A.D.'s Vice article, "How to Pay for a Baby", is an incredible example of how the English language is constantly developing and changing to fit its audience. Kool's diction and syntax throughout his article is characteristic of Generation Z. This is apparent even within the first
sentence of the article, where he uses the phrase “I’mma keep it 100 with y’all”, a slang term for being
honest, blunt or real. Kool's use of this phrase is more complex than most would realize, for when he uses this phrase, he uses it for more than one reason. By using this phrase, Kool appeals to his target demographic; young, teenage parents. By using this phrase, not only does he relate to them, but he also manages to create a sense of safety and comfort. When writing for such an incredibly stressed target audience, Kool understands the importance of being able to convey his thoughts and his knowledge without stressing out or overloading the audience. By using a common phrase often used among friends, Kool lulls his audience into a more manageable state, one in which he can better convey his message. This tactic is recurrent throughout the article and is better carried out by Kool's use of humour. From beginning to end, Kool uses humour to speak with his audience about an otherwise stressful and life-changing subject. Kool's use of humour would be extremely out of place in other article's focusing on pregnancy, however Kool manages to seamlessly slip it in. While speaking about the responsibilities of parenthood, Kool may manage to slip some wit and some sly comedy into the mix. For example, at one point during the blog, he goes on a tirade against the man about how unfair and incredibly stupid the concept of money is to him. This is funny for the audience, for no matter the quality of what he is saying, he seems mental and mad to have included this in an article about the duties and obligations of parenthood. This use of humour is definitely something new in the world of sober articles such as these, and is a direct result of the broad-minded generation that is taking over.
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