Salisbury Novichok attack Russia spy boss DEAD after ‘long and serious’ illness - The Express
The Express, in an article detailing the recent death of Russian Colonel-General Igor Korobov, demonstrates great negative bias against the government official, namely placing the vast majority of the blame for a Salisbury poisoning on his shoulders. The author, Sam Stevenson, uses the recency of the attack to add to the substance of his article, using it to bait the readers in. Stevenson's bias is most apparent in his headline, with the formatting of the title attaching Korobov immediately to the attack, but continues this attack on Korobov's character further in the article, making use of bias by diction, bias by omission (e.g. when describing the Salisbury attack, failing to mention other officials who played major roles in its execution) and bias by source. For the reader, this changes the nature of what should be a impartial report into tabloid gossip, almost propaganda-like with it's intense portrayal of Korobov, utilizing this character to increase the political significance of his death.
It’s Time to Make Video Games Safe for Children - The New York Times®ion=stream&module=stream_unit&version=search&contentPlacement=7&pgtype=sectionfront
Won Sang Choi's article, like any other opinion piece, is riddled with bias, the majority used to comment on the negative impacts that 'trolls' have on the social development and mental health of young children. Choi uses this article, as an avid fan of video games, to comment on the seemingly everlasting trend of certain groups of players making fun of other players, commenting mainly on how this continuous, but growing trend, had affected younger players. Choi makes great use of bias through omission, used in consolidation with bias through source control, showing his audience only what he wants them to see. Doing so creates an image of an evil gaming society, creating a propaganda-like atmosphere.
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